Bayview Corner HWY 525 and Bayview Rd, Langley, WA, United States

Featuring Western Heroes (Inside Bayview Hall in inclement weather)


Introduction to Food Business Licensing Requirements & Costs

Bayview School Building 5611 Bayview Rd, Langley, WA, United States

You've got a great food product to sell, now what? Geared towards producers of value-added food products (baked goods, jams, jellies, fermented foods, candy, dressings, sauces, etc). Learn about the licenses and permits you'll need to get your food business going and get an idea of the expenses you'll incur before you even set foot […]



Bayview Corner HWY 525 and Bayview Rd, Langley, WA, United States

Learn About Our Local Whales & How You Can Help Endangered Orcas

Sunshine Drip Coffee Lounge 306 N Main St, Coupeville, WA, United States

Want to learn more about our local whales and how you can help our endangered orcas?  Join the Langley Whale Center staff and Volunteers at a no host coffee, Tuesday, September 11th at 11 am, Sunshine Drip Coffee, Coupeville WA.  You will learn about the various Volunteer opportunities at the Langley Whale Center and Orca […]

Open Mic Night at Blooms Winery Tasting Room

Blooms Winery Tasting Room 5603 Bayview Rd, Langley, WA, United States

Blooms Winery offers the stage to musicians, poets, comedians and improv in their OPEN MIC NIGHT. These Open Mics, hosted by Ron Eaton, provide an opportunity in a casual and intimate setting for musicians to perform live and play a song or two and perhaps join in with fellow musicians on stage, or for a […]


Bayview Corner HWY 525 and Bayview Rd, Langley, WA, United States