Bayview Corner HWY 525 and Bayview Rd, Langley, WA, United States

Whidbey Island Cider Festival

Pacific Rim Institute 180 Parker Rd, Coupeville, WA, United States

Enjoy Northwest Cider Tasting Area and Local Food for Purchase Bring your Heirloom Apples for Identification!  The family friendly event is free but there is a $25 tasting fee for the cider area which will have more than 20+ ciders to choose  including well-known  Northwest Cideries such as Alpenfire, Finnriver, Bull Run and more!


Bayview Corner HWY 525 and Bayview Rd, Langley, WA, United States

Introduction to Facebook for Business

Bayview School Building 5611 Bayview Rd, Langley, WA, United States

Facebook is the largest social media site in the world. But how do you tap into that market to work for your business? Learn the basics of Facebook: What is a page and how do you set one up? How do you pick a good profile photo and cover photo? How do you make a […]


Websites & Ecommerce

Bayview School Building 5611 Bayview Rd, Langley, WA, United States

Websites are a necessity for many businesses, but most small business owners shy away because of the cost and the technological skill. With all the tools and technology that exist today, websites have never been easier! We will go over the biggest website design tools, basic guidelines, and search engine ranking. After the first hour […]


Analytics: What are they and what to do with them

Bayview School Building 5611 Bayview Rd, Langley, WA, United States

How can you know what you’re doing well if you don’t ask the question? Analytics are a way to track the success of your online efforts. Some sites, like Facebook, Instagram, Squarespace, and Wix have built-in analytic tools. Google Analytics and other tools can help you track your efforts across multiple channels. In this workshop, […]


Bayview Farmers Market

Bayview Corner HWY 525 and Bayview Rd, Langley, WA, United States

Introduction to Food Business Licensing Requirements & Costs

Bayview School Building 5611 Bayview Rd, Langley, WA, United States

You've got a great food product to sell, now what? Geared towards producers of value-added food products (baked goods, jams, jellies, fermented foods, candy, dressings, sauces, etc). Learn about the licenses and permits you'll need to get your food business going and get an idea of the expenses you'll incur before you even set foot […]
